Financial Assistance/Insurance
Financial AssistanceFor information about our Compassion Fund, the Lymphedema Associations of Ontario's own financial assistance fund, please click here! Assistive Devices Program (ADP)
The Assistive Devices Program (ADP) of the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care provides funding assistance for Pressure Modification Devices (PMD)—compression garments and sleeves—for chronic lymphedema management as well as sequential extremity pumps for primary lymphedema management. Any resident of Ontario with a valid Ontario health card is eligible to apply. The ADP pays 75% of the approved cost. Those receiving benefits from certain social assistance programs may be eligible for 100% funding of the approved cost. An Application for Funding Pressure Modification Devices form can be obtained from an ADP registered authorizer or vendor or downloaded and printed from the ADP website. For more information on the ADP, you can visit the following page at: www.ontario.ca/page/assistive-devices-program You can email ADP directly at: adp@ontario.ca Alternately, you may call the ADP at 416-327-8804 SUMMARY OF APPLICATION PROCESS
ABOUT PRESSURE MODIFICATION DEVICES Pneumatic Compression Pumps: A Patient’s Perspective
The Lymphedema Association of Ontario (LAO) does not endorse the off-the-shelve pumps. The items discussed below relate exclusively to pumps recognized as Medical Devices by Health Canada. There are different names in use for the pumps, all referring to the same type of medical device: Pneumatic Compression Devices (PCD), Intermittent Pneumatic Compression (IPC), Sequential Extremity Pump, Pneumatic Compression Pump (PCP), Lymphedema Pump. We will use PCP for simplification going forward. While lymphedema treatment using a PCP can have significant benefits in some cases, a PCP can also pose risks or not be allowed for treatment in other cases. The patient needs to consult their medical practitioner before starting the process of acquiring a PCP.
Only patients diagnosed with primary lymphedema are eligible to receive financial assistance from the Assistive Devices Program of Ontario (ADP) for the acquisition of PCPs. The Application Form for a PCP is slightly different from the application for compression garments, as it requires an additional signature of an ADP registered Lymphedema Team. Funding for Pressure Modification Devices: Information and Application - Ministry of Heath and Long-Term Care (English and French) ADP APPROVED SPECIALISTS
A general practitioner in oncology, gynaecological oncologist, wound care specialist or a dermatologist with applicable experience may also assess you. If applying for funding for a sequential extremity pump, the specialist physician will be a member of an ADP registered lymphedema team. ADP REGISTERED AUTHORIZERS Many of the LE MLD/CDT-Certified Therapists listed on our website are ADP Registered Authorizers. For more information about ADP Registered Authorizers near you, you may email the ADP directly at adp@ontario.ca. ADP REGISTERED FITTERS/VENDORS For details on funding of Pressure Modification Devices for lymphedema management through the ADP and to access the most current list of ADP Registered Vendors, you can visit the ADP website at: www.ontario.ca/page/garments-pumps-and-braces ORGANISATIONS THAT CAN HELPThe ADP can only cover part of the cost for your equipment and supplies. If you can’t afford to pay your share, contact one of the following volunteer and charity organizations about financial support: