We are pleased to announce that we will be continuing

The Compassion Fund program for 2025.

This program is available to all LAO member therapists across Ontario.

Patients are welcome to apply, with an LAO member therapist providing the treatment. 

The Fund will be of benefit to both patients and LAO registered therapists/practitioners. When practitioners see a patient who is in need, that cannot afford treatment, they can nominate them for consideration for assistance from The Compassion Fund to help them access care. 

The mission of The Compassion Fund is to provide financial assistance for lymphedema patients who cannot afford the necessary treatments, with the goal of having patients to work with a professional practitioner to assess their condition and learn how to manage and care for their lymphedema themselves. 

Things you need to know:

  • Funds raised each year will determine how much money will go into The Compassion Fund, as well as how many recipients can be granted financial assistance. 

  • All requests for funds are to be reviewed and approved by the Program Manager in conjunction with the LAO Board of Directors 

  • LAO will pay $750 Max to CDT/MLD therapists (who are registered as professionals with the LAO) directly. The payment will be 85% of the average billed rate of professionals, with the remaining 15% to be paid by the patient. In instances of dealing with a patient with an extreme case of lymphedema, please contact us for individual review. 

  • This payment is to cover approximately 4-5 one hour treatments and to teach self management to the patient.

  • The treatment is to be completed in 3-4 months. 

  • The services provided are to be administered by the therapist who is submitting the application.

  • Thanks to the generosity of the "Nickie Wight" family and "Karen Jensen" family, we will provide Compassion Fund recipients a complimentary patient membership to the LAO for a year. This will give program fund recipients full access to our support programs, webinars, Resource Directory, and a copy of the quarterly issue of the Pathways Magazine.

To Apply:

  1. Please complete the application and consent form here

  2. Please review and download the sample treatment plan here 

  3. Please email the completed application/consent form to: compassion@lymphontario.ca 

  4. Any confidential financial information can be sent by mail if you wish to the address below:

    Lymphedema Association of Ontario Compassion Fund
    262-2869 Bloor St. W
    Toronto, Ontario
    M8X 1B3

If you have more questions please contact us at the 

 Compassion Fund Email

Lymphedema Association of Ontario
Mailing Address: 262-2869 Bloor St. W., Toronto, ON M8X 1B3 Canada
1-877-723-0033 | 416-410-2250 | info@lymphontario.ca
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